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Everyday delicious - 30 minute(ish) home-cooked meals made simple

"Finding himself at home more during the pandemic and in the hybrid world that followed, James Beard Award-winning author and chef Rocco DiSpirito rediscovered for the first time in decades, the joy of cooking for and savoring weekday meals with his family and friends, something that was not a regular occurrence when he was working in a busy restaurant or as celebrity chef on the go. Of course, as a home cook preparing nightly family meals, Rocco also experienced the fatigue of spending hours pl

Sugar Taco at home - plant-based Mexican recipes from our LA restaurant

"Women-owned and 100% plant-based, Sugar Taco is an LA go-to for Mexican food, for good reason. Founders Jayde Nicole and Nia Gatica Campos, along with chef Alan Campos, launched Sugar Taco in 2019 with a vision for a women-owned business that championed traditional dishes in an eco-conscious and animal-friendly way. They ditched meat and dairy for juicy jackfruit, perfectly seasoned seitan, house-made queso, and more, and then paired this on-trend menu with vibrant Dia de Muertos-inspired decor

Jang - gochujang, doenjang, ganjang, and the soul of Korean cooking

"Like butter in French cooking or olive oil in Italian, jangs are the soul of Korean cuisine. These umami sauces are found in every meal, from soups and stews, to salads, marinades, and even desserts, adding depth and complexity to every dish. The foundation of the three main jangs- gochujang, doenjang, and ganjang-is simple. Soybeans, water, and salt are dried, aged, and fermented in earthenware pots, extracting flavor from their environment and slowly blossoming into intensely flavored jangs.

Classic French Recipes
Date added:
Feb 22, 2024
Classic French Recipes

Outlander cocktails - the official drinks guide inspired by the series.

"Drink like a Highlander with this lively cocktail and bar snacks cookbook inspired by New World colony history, time travel, and family loyalty from the beloved Outlander series and Starz original show"--

