VITAL learners are adult men and women of all ages, nationalities, and economic and social backgrounds, living in or near Monroe County.  We have two main types of learners: Adult Literacy learners and English language learners (ENL).


Adult Literacy

VITAL participantsNative English speakers who may have difficulty identifying letters or words, reading a menu or sign, filling out a job application, or doing simple math. All levels of readers are welcome, from beginning readers to those studying for the High School Equivalency Exam. Tutors focus their lessons on improving the learner’s reading, writing, spelling, and math skills in order to help the adult learner achieve their personal literacy goals. Learner and tutor meet for at least one and a half hours per week.

“I’ve never read a book before. Now I’ve read 3!” – A VITAL learner



English as a New Language (ENL)

ImageSome adult learners are experiencing English for the first time. Others have beginning reading, writing, speaking and listening skills but struggle to communicate in everyday life. Tutors individualize lesson plans to help learners take more active roles in the community. This may include the ability to make appointments, get a job, help children with their homework, or other goals.

“The tutoring helped me pass my citizenship test. She explained everything to me with lots of examples. It made sense. She is so friendly and she encourages me.”


Successful students are motivated to learn and have decided for themselves to participate in the VITAL program. Effective tutoring cannot be mandated by a third party.